Antwort What is Saitama’s IQ? Weitere Antworten – How intelligent is Saitama

What is Saitama's IQ?
While he scored low on the written portion of the hero exam, he is, by no means, unintelligent. Saitama is very observant, insightful, and has high tactical awareness. This is seen in how he could easily discern situations and character traits from the people and environment around him.Goku in "Z" is considered slightly smarter than Saitama, but "Super Goku" is notably dumber.Even if Goku was able to use his highest form of power, Saitama's one-punch certainty means a fight wouldn't last for long. If we are to take Saitama's power and accuracy at face value, it almost doesn't matter who his opponent is — he would win outright.

What is Saitama 100% power : Saitama (Normal Punch)

Power Level: 150 Trillion.

Is Saitama low IQ

What do you think Saitama's IQ is His total score: 71/100 we can assume it's so low because of the written part. Meaning he didn't do that well on the Hero Exams outside of the things that required physicality.

What is Goku IQ : Goku: 76, even though you might think his IQ could be even lower sometimes, he often proves he can do some smart things too, especially while fighting and especially during DBZ.

Saitama is a man that can defeat any foe with a single punch. If the two of them were to face off in a one-on-one battle, Saitama would easily win. The fight wouldn't last a second let alone enough time for Goku to transform into a Super Saiyan.

Shonen Jump heroes are generally known for their ridiculous strength; however, One-Punch Man's Saitama is on a completely different level. Renowned for being able to end almost any fight in one punch, he just might be able to defeat Naruto — or any other shonen protagonist — in a one-on-one fight.

Does Saitama fight God

Saitama takes on God in One-Punch Man: The Fight of Gods, a passion project for one fan artist. In an effort to save the universe, Saitama punches God in the face in the non-canonical One-Punch Man: The Fight of Gods, a fan-made comic based on the popular anime, manga and webcomic.Eventually he will either have to weaken himself or encounter another God with unlimited power. TL;DR: Saitama is a God, but he doesn't know it. His desires manifest themselves in reality because subconsciously he is altering reality to what he wants it to be. He wants to be an all-powerful hero; and suddenly he is.God claims that he can't be destroyed, but Saitama destroys him and the universe with a single overwhelming punch. Fans are left to wonder where One-Punch Man is going to go now that literally nothing exists anymore.

They truly deserve to be called the smartest anime characters of all time.

  • 8 Osamu Dazai.
  • 7 Kars.
  • 6 Donquixote Doflamingo. One Piece.
  • 5 Shikamaru Nara. Naruto.
  • 4 Senku Ishigami. Dr.
  • 3 Conan. Case Closed: Detective Conan.
  • 2 Yagami Light. Death Note.
  • 1 Lelouch VI Britannia. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (2006)

What is Kakashi’s IQ : Over 200. Asuma stated that Shikamaru had an IQ of 200 plus, and since then we've had two quotes verifying that Kakashi is above that.

What is battle IQ : Fight IQ, often referred to as boxing intelligence, encompasses far more than mastery of technique. It's the art of strategic application, of understanding when to strike and when to defend, when to exert energy and when to preserve it, and of decoding an opponent's strengths and weaknesses on the fly.

Can Saitama beat Sasuke

The Uchiha clan is strong when it comes to Illusions/Genjutsu, he is also able to rip out a soul with his rinnigan. But Saitama is just far stronger, and he can survive more than Sasuke… Saitama has shown immunity to mind hax/spirit hax, Depends on the rules of the Universe.

Saitama wins easy. With his ridiculous strength he could simply grab luffy and throw him into orbit, or dunk him in the ocean. or run around him fast enough to deprive luffy of oxygen. there are plenty of passive ways for saitama to kill or incapacitate luffy without haki.While many fans theorized that Saitama's unbelievable and unexplained strength could be linked to the enigmatic figure that confers powers to humans, turning them into monsters, chapter #173 of the manga confirms it outright.

Who is stronger Jesus or Saitama : If you mean an omnipotent, omniscient creator, then no, Saitama cannot defeat him.