Antwort Why we use Redux instead of useState? Weitere Antworten – Why use Redux over useState

Why we use Redux instead of useState?
The application's complexity: For simple apps with few components, use useState() . For complex apps with extensive state interactions, choose Redux . Team size and skill level: useState() is okay for smaller teams or developers new to state management because it's easy to understand.Use Redux for complex and global state that needs to be shared with other components or persisted across sessions. For example, data from APIs, user authentication, app settings, etc. Use both Redux and React state system for hybrid scenarios where some state is local and some state is global.Redux should be used in applications that have several features. With these features sharing chunks of the same information. While using the useContext and useReducer, the Redux functionalities can be reproduced. Redux offers some free tools that help us to manage the application without reinventing the wheel.

Why not to use useState in React : Commonly, forms in React are managed by linking input elements to state variables, updating the state with every keystroke. While this approach works, it can lead to unnecessary re-renders and performance issues, especially in large forms or complex applications.

Should you use Redux for all state

​ The same rules of thumb for deciding what should go in the Redux store apply for this question as well. Based on those rules of thumb, most form state doesn't need to go into Redux, as it's probably not being shared between components. However, that decision is always going to be specific to you and your application.

Is Redux really necessary : You are no longer obligated to turn to Redux as the default method for handling state in your React applications. Instead, there are alternative options worth considering. In the current landscape, various approaches to state management exist before resorting to external libraries like Redux.

Both can be utilized if you're planning to construct an application. React Hooks features handle the local component state while Redux manages the global state and actions that can be dispatched.

Yes, you can use React Hooks and the Context API alongside state management libraries like Redux. They can complement each other, with Hooks and Context often being used for local component state, while Redux handles global application state.

What is better than useState

useReducer also lets you optimize performance for components that trigger deep updates because you can pass dispatch down instead of callbacks. This means that the dispatch function does not change between renders, unlike the functions created by useState , which can cause unnecessary re-renders of child components.The main benefit of using the Redux Hooks is that they are conceptually simpler than connect . With connect , you are wrapping your component and injecting props into it. This can make it difficult to determine in the component which props come from Redux and which are passed in.You should use local state i.e. useState as much as possible. Redux state should be the last resort. Only use Redux state if you absolutely need to pass data from one end of the application all the way to another end. This is both good practice for tight coupling and good performance.

Improved debugging: Redux Toolkit provides powerful debugging tools that allow you to track state changes and identify potential bugs. Context API does not offer these same debugging tools, which can make it harder to identify and fix errors in your code.

What is the disadvantage of Redux : Cons of Redux

One of the biggest drawbacks of using Redux is that it can be quite complex to set up and use. You need to write a lot of code to get started with Redux and it can be difficult to understand how everything fits together.

When should you use Redux : Redux is most useful in cases when:

  1. You have large amounts of application state that are needed in many places in the app.
  2. The app state is updated frequently.
  3. The logic to update that state may be complex.
  4. The app has a medium or large-sized codebase, and might be worked on by many people.

Why Redux is good

Redux is a predictable state container designed to help you write JavaScript apps that behave consistently across client, server, and native environments, and are easy to test. While it's mostly used as a state management tool with React, you can use Redux with any other JavaScript framework or library.

Like the Redux core and Redux Toolkit, RTK Query's primary functionality is UI-agnostic and can be used with any UI layer. RTK Query also includes a version of createApi designed specifically for use with React, which automatically generates React hooks.Both can be utilized if you're planning to construct an application. React Hooks features handle the local component state while Redux manages the global state and actions that can be dispatched.

What are the disadvantages of useState : Disadvantages of useState

useState can become unwieldy if you need to manage complex state, especially if the state is deeply nested. In such cases, it can be difficult to update the state correctly.